From the Department of Journalism at Western beginning in 1945, to the School of Library and Information Science in 1967, to the Faculty of Information and Media Studies in 1997, the current FIMS community owes much to its multiple storied histories. Happy 25th FIMS! Here’s hoping for 25 more great years. Submit your own memories to the collection.

Submitted by Nathalie Soini, MLIS’03
Nathalie Soini and three classmates get into shenanigans in the Grad Club in Middlesex College in the Fall 2002 term.

Submitted by Nathalie Soini, MLIS’03
Nathalie Soini and some MLIS classmates stand outside on Western’s campus in their academic robes during Convocation 2003.

Submitted by Nathalie Soina, MLIS’03
Nathalie Soina and Suzanne Geba stand outside in their academic robes at Convocation 2003.

Submitted by Nathalie Soini, MLIS’03
Seven MLIS classmates sit together at a table for dinner in 2002.

Submitted by John Fracasso, MLIS’80.
“Photo of Jean Tague-Sutcliffe my second dean and main architect in the founding of FOCOL/FIMS . She saw smaller graduate schools were vulnerable to forced mergers worked to find willing partners not only to continue excellent grad programs but also to a develop a plan for a new, truly innovative undergraduate. Founders should never be forgotten.”

Submitted by Suzanne Fernando, MLIS’13.
Suzanne Fernando and classmates at Kettle and Stony Point Reserve during an Indigenous Heritage Month event holding a banner that says “Librarians Without Borders.”

Submitted by Suzanne Fernando, MLIS’13.
Suzanne Fernando standing outside the Western gates in Convocation robes and holding her diploma.

Submitted by Suzanne Fernando, MLIS’13.
Suzanne Fernando and two classmates posing for a photo in their Convocation robes and holding their diplomas.

Submitted by Suzanne Fernando, MLIS’13.
Suzanne Fernando and a classmate pose for a picture in their Convocation robes.

Submitted by Larry Cornies, MA’86 (Journalism)
The class shirt ordered and worn by many of the MA (Journalism) students of 1985-86.

Submitted by Grace Charbonneau, MLIS’22.
Celebrating convocation in person after a year of remote schooling.

Submitted by Grace Charbonneau, MLIS’22.
Celebrating convocation in person after a year of remote schooling.

Submitted by Grace Charbonneau, MLIS’22
Grace’s study buddy for Services for Children & Young Adults.

Submitted by Grace Charbonneau, MLIS’22
Grace’s computer screen after handing in her final records management assignment.

Submitted by Chris Clark, MA’92 (Journalism)
“In our year, painted prominently on the wall of the J-school was a rather pretentious quote from Rudyard Kipling, saying something like, ‘A Good Reporter is the Noblest Work of God.’ We had at least six Newfoundlanders in our class, and they spent most of the year looking for a proper cod dinner somewhere in London. We quickly changed the slogan to reflect our class’s focus on cod and had this sweatshirt made for everyone. Not only is the quote edited, but the design acknowledged our two sections: print and broadcast.”

Submitted by Arielle VanderSchans, MLIS’16
A group of MLIS students from the Special Libraries/Archival student groups visiting Eldon House.

Submitted by Arielle VanderSchans, MLIS’16
Arielle VanderSchans and Tarah Reeves at Convocation celebrating having finished their MLIS program as Spirit of Librarianship Award recipients.

Submitted by Arielle VanderSchans, MLIS’16
The graduating class of 2016 for the MLIS program at Convocation.

Submitted by TJ Canete, MLIS’04
A group of us MLIS students would go out for lunches together at the local buffets. We were starving students after all.

Submitted by TJ Canete, MLIS’04
A group of us MLIS students would go out for lunches together at the local buffets. We were starving students after all.

Submitted by TJ Canete, MLIS’04
A group of us MLIS students would go out for lunches together at the local buffets. We were starving students after all.

Submitted by TJ Canete, MLIS’04
In 2003, someone in our cohort decided to get some mugs created. There may have been a vote on what to put on it. This was the mug and the tag line that won.

Submitted by TJ Canete, MLIS’04
In 2003, someone in our cohort decided to get some mugs created. There may have been a vote on what to put on it. This was the mug and the tag line that won.

Submitted by Aly Silverberg, MIT’19
Aly Silverberg and her MIT roommate sitting outside of University College in 2019.

Submitted by Aly Silverberg, MIT’19
Aly Silverberg and MIT classmates all wearing black FIMS sweaters in Perth Hall at the end of first year.

Submitted by Aly Silverberg, MIT’19
Aly Silverberg proudly displays her university diplomas at Convocation 2019.

Submitted by FIMS Communications
A scan of the first ever MIT program print advertisement in the late 1990’s, featuring Professor Lynne McKechnie (now retired).

Submitted by Belle Puri, MA’84 (Journalism)
Journalism students Alison Paine and Belle Puri, both from B.C. experience their first Ontario blizzard.

Submitted by Belle Puri, MA’84 (Journalism)
School of Journalism, The University of Western Ontario, Class of 1983-84 (Peter Desbarats at Dean)

Submitted by Tina Warren, MA’81 (Journalism)
Wendie Crouch works with students in the broadcast booth in Middlesex College, around 1980.

Submitted by Tina Warren, MA’81 (Journalism)
Journalism students sit in front of their typewriters in Middlesex College around 1980.

Submitted by Tina Warren, MA’81 (Journalism)
Journalism students from the Class of 1981 gather in Middlesex College.

Submitted by FIMS Communications
A scanned image of the cover of the SLIS student handbook from 1992-1994, featuring the class photo from 1968 (standing outside the “SLIS building” which housed the program until it moved into Elborn College in the early 1980’s.

Submitted by James Forrester, SLIS’87
School of Library and Information Science, Class of 1987. Class photo taken outside of Elborn College.

Submitted by James Forrester, SLIS’87
Elborn College in the Fall around 1987 (the original home of the School of Library and Information Science, prior to the creation of FIMS).

Submitted by James Forrester, SLIS’87
ELAN article from Spring 2020 written by James Forrester about how and why he became a librarian.

Submitted by James Forrester, SLIS’87
Members of the SLIS class of 1987 reunite outside of the current day FIMS & Nursing Building at their 30-year reunion in 2017.

Submitted by James Forrester, SLIS’87
Dean Tom Carmichael (2007-2018) stands in front of a photo collage featuring the LIS 50th Anniversary reunion reception.